Love Heals All Wounds—

Love heals and binds the wounds of our body and mind. In a triumphal resonance, our eternal soul is magnified by the victory of Love. Through our lifeforce, the everlasting spirit, our breath and birthright, we wield the power to champion over every cancerous distortion of the body and mind. Nothing escapes the Power of Love. The challenges we face, the loneliness of the heart and mind, is yet another clarification of Love’s worth. For every instance that we lean on Love, we are relying on the Spark of Life itself. This spark can regenerate our total being, which is of course, beyond this physical realm.

Love does not fear the aggressor’s advance or the tormentor’s allure. For in all things, Love waits to enjoy the final consummation of its lessor rival. Love is not individual but united. It is not weakened by delusion of importance, strength or stability. It is alone, the Light of Knowledge, the Wellspring of Truth and Justice. There are no other forces able to overthrow its Sovereign kingdom. The restless factions throughout the Universe are bound by its mystical borders. It is only fear that renders us orphans from our heavenly origin. It’s the perpetuation of self-imposed unevolved regulations, a disturbance of the truth of our existence, which leads humanity into its harsh fate, its cosmic imbalance. We are greater than greed and vanity and we are greater than blind hatred and instigated violence. We are greater than.

The useless struggle against machines of manipulation that beat the spirit into submission, wars are a distraction to the Truth that is all around us. It is to one another that we must hold allegiance. Removing fear to see, the strength of numbers which is the whole of humanity. Empower its vehicle, the common purpose, the voice of the peaceful multitude, that cannot be subdued. This is Love in the highest order. Organized organically from the ground upward and outward, interconnected across, far and wide. Digital connection is not required for this thread of humanity, this is felt in every glance and smile we exchange with our neighbor. Where is your purpose and allegiance? Will you standby to the dropping blood of the innocent? Or will you reach out to one another in peace, organizing the world around you by its people, until all come under the fold of harmonious and sustainable living. So great in numbers we shall be that no threat will overtake again. We are capable of activating a great light in the world so open your heart and your mind will follow.

These are the days of quiet action, building dreams on plans for future success, sacrificing pleasure for the pain of the perfecting. We are the generation of visionaries, but vanity and pride must be contained, exposed as a thief, of the wealth of the Universal Soul. These are the years we must allow Love to rule, the true heart, that beats within humanity’s chest. Yes, we will rise to the challenge of our survival in the cosmos. All of the planes of existence will marvel at what we will accomplish in this century of mankind. Love Knows No Enemy. When its energy expands, it creates balance that permeates the entire cosmos, therefore, Love is also Balance. Still, we must take care of the mortal moves of mastery, of ourselves and the environment. Humanity for Humanity, this is our calling. Step by step, we will build a new and lasting future, built on Love.



Happy Valentine’s Day

Christina Conti



 Original Post

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