Nurture is Nature-

Motherhood is a highly personal experience and state of being that is designed for us to learn from one another’s wisdom and experience. As Mother’s Day approaches it always brings a special meaning as my birthday is the 8th of May. My thoughts today are deeply drawn to the state of mothering of our world. My heart is broken from the tragic events we are experiencing around the globe. Today I am compelled to write as it is both cathartic and necessary. We see our World in despair and feel a motherly pain in our souls. We see the need of our family and friends and feel a nurturing yet conflicted emotion. It is difficult at times to separate feelings, to do what is correct and nurturing in all situations. Feelings of pain, guilt, resentment, loneliness and anger stop the flow of our “innate nurturing characters”. Conflicted feelings prevent us from experiencing even nurturing that is offered to us. All these emotional conflicts are what leads to the neglect that is so prevalent Across The Globe. Yes I know it is not popular to speak of neglect in association with this celebratory day. I realize quite clearly the focus is to forget and to stay in the comfort zones that we create, this is understandable. The lack of mothering that exists around us is of course no different than the lack of fatherhood yet with motherhood there is a symbiotic relationship as the carrier of life.

The mother is before life begins the sole nurturer. Today I will speak to you of Light in an energy of empowerment and victory over the devastation we see around us and feel within us. In my mind this is cause for true celebration of the Spirit of Motherhood. I do not pretend to know the hearts and minds of every reader of words I pen but I know one thing clearly and that is, we are all Called to Nurture. We are called to nurture ourselves and one another. We are called to nurture the earth, sea and sky moreover the land beneath our feet that we call home. We are All called to rise to every challenge we face as Nations of the Globe and as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. A compassionate Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Humanity, this is our True Calling. This is not a dream of fluff and fancy, this is reality, plain and simple. We must stop debating that which is Just and Pure and bring these righteous actions to completion. These basic human dignities are above and beyond any one Nation or and one Spiritual affiliation. We must see and understand we defeat the very precepts of our spiritual obligations with our refusal to unite as One behind Humanity as a whole with The Almighty God, The Everlasting as our Judge-This is the liability of our minds, we question even the good efforts of others.

The message is clear. Mother yourself, Mother your Mother, Father, Sister, Brother and All people you are able to extend your nurturing motherly love to, do it for yourself first and foremost that you might learn your True Nature in this Life. This will carry over and extend into every of area of life. Giving of yourself, your blessing and talents will transform your entire vibration in the cosmos and create a spark in the universe. The imperfections we all carry with us are not there to be accepted like a badge of pain and honor. Imperfections and flaws of character exist to call you to rise, to challenge yourself to improve, to become the best image of your true character demonstrated in the world, in your life and times. This victory will echo throughout the ages. This is now the Progressive Age, some of you are aware of this from my writings these recent years. We now live in a time that the impossible is possible. Why is that so? It is so because today we have the power of the collective will and the means of organizing our will to succeed collectively. So I will urge you not to see the communication ability of our modern world as your oyster, to capitalize for mere personal gain but to see it for the blessing it is able to be for the entire human species. I urge you to think outside of private gain and think in terms of gains for humanity. We are made for one another in every sense and across every divide. Divides that have been created by our own fear and shortcomings. We are inextricably intertwined because we are the human family.

“Stay in Flow of Peace and Peace will Flow to You”

Christina Conti

Envision Eden

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