Victorious- ✝️

So here I am, I made it to Easter Sunday- The past few months have stretch my understanding of the Universe to such a degree that I will never be the same- I have been transformed in Mind/Body/Spirit. I’ve been writing here since 2012, when the first major shift happened and we entered the Progressive Age of Mankind- The time in which we are living is the final chapter, deciding who returns to the Almighty Lord Jesus and who becomes Soul-less, without the chance to redeem yourself in another lifetime. I have really been taken to school in these recent months by God. I have an above average understanding about the major religions but during this time period, all blinders were removed. I regret if I have offended all of the other “Faiths” but I did it for your benefit- The Jews rejected the Gift of God, Jesus. Muslims distorted the fundamental principles of God’s Love- Mormons started a religion based on an Demon visitation which was intended to steal the Glory of God. Taoism makes universal energy their God- Hinduism is from an ancient species God created– a principality with beings of power– Shiva, Vishnu and alike and a host of other demons and fallen angels- They rebelled against The Almighty from ancient times- Buddhism, peaceful delusion also from an ancient species of higher powers, to attain God-status, which is impossible! And on and on it goes, including multiple so-called Christian Faiths, which are in fact the exact opposite. The real deal is–Christ The Almighty, He is all Energy and all Power. The Almighty’s Spirit is in us once we accept that He needed to become a human to illustrate what it takes to have life everlasting. He needed to come here because we are a very ego-driven species- So…Christ set the example and gave his life and rose from the dead- But the next 2000 years, our species didn’t really wake up, it’s only now in the wake of apocalyptic events, that people are starting to jump on the Jesus Wagon, even Netflix has two series, which by the way, take way more liberties creatively than they should-

The Truth is, all sin can be forgiven by The Almighty Jesus Christ, even the worse sin- But- It’s not a free ride! Once you confess what you have done to God and ask for forgiveness, then you need to live right from that point on! The Body Of Christ in the Progressive Age- Worships God- In Spirit & In Truth- A physical building and a bunch of man-made laws, have nothing to do with Christ– I’m not knocking the church because I love going to church for mass. I am just saying, how you live, is what is most important!! The saga of the bible has infinite wisdom but one must remember, it is your relationship with God right here, right now in 2024 that matters the most- Confess your sins to God- Ask for Forgiveness and Live Right- All you need, are the 10 Commandments- Start being a better person, do things for other people just out the kindness of your heart- Watch out for Vanity, Greed and Ego- These are the Big Downfalls for the Human Being- Listen, this so called Trans-Human thing is just the same old tricks the Devil has tried for 2000 years- We are not gods, we can’t live eternally with bionic parts- The beauty of Heaven is the freedom of expression and grandeur, you’re not just floating around on some cloud and you’re also not having 72 virgins to have sex with like Quran indicates. Listen, sex is a human thing- What comes in the after-life surpasses that 10 fold- Don’t be fooled by all the noise down here on Earth- What is good and pure is self-evident if you love God, if you only love yourself, everything is distorted. And of course you have the rebel angels to help convince of that. We are almost through the story of mankind in relationship to buckle up and make your choices quickly in this life-time. Christ was in Hell for three days before Easter Sunday and His Ascension back to Heaven- I can really relate now on deeper level, what He faced as a man, during that time, even though He was also God. He did it to conquer Fear for us, to show us what is possible. It doesn’t matter how bad of shape you are in, or what you have done- You absolutely can start over! But you need to make a solid commitment- We are coming to a time that we no longer will have the freedom that we have enjoyed for thousands of years as the Earth herself is recalibrating- Our generation, right now is unique and we will be on the front-lines for the benefit of the future Enlightened generation, that will inherit the precious 🌍 Earth-

Right now is the generation of the hero, the prophet, the spiritual warrior, the enlightened child, the honorable leader. We are in a battle that will save the world once and for all from every despicable thing under the Sun- In the future, I’ll share my whole story but know this- I will lead, and you must lead also. There’s absolutely no room for indecision- Choose your mission, and ask God to guide you, for some, it may be working with prisoners of drug, alcohol, gambling and sex addictions. For others, it may be working with the poor, sick or criminals. For others, working with the elderly and for others, working with children and education. Many need to choose our societal issues, social services. And for others, working within government, science and engineering- Doctors and Attorneys will need to donate their time and services over the next 40 years- Finally the Builders, The Men of Construction will be needed more than ever before, so prepare yourself and make sure you have all your tools ready. Listen wherever you are, whatever your talent->Choose your mission for Christ and get going, it will improve every facet of your existing life- If you are married, your marriage will be blessed, If you are single person, you will have companionship, If you are lonely, you will be lonely no more. If you have difficult family relationships, it will heal them, and on and on… I’m here to share the Truth and to prepare you with the insight given to me.

Happy Easter

We are Victorious!


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