Repost-December 2013—SYNTYCHE- one body, one mind, one spirit-✝️

The time is coming soon in the world when the wonders you see will connect you one to each other and foolishness will be no more.

Lift your eyes on high and consider your origin so the power of the mystery might fill your mind with understanding.

The soul that is a universe unto to itself will be a prisoner but the soul that is connected to the universe will be boundless.

Let your thoughts cover anger with forgiveness. Your inexhaustible thoughts will ignite a great energy of healing.

Let the universe amplify peace collectively by their thoughts in an organized pattern.

Let all injustice you see and hear bring sadness to your heart to expand love so that innocence may be restored.

Sponsor one another in personal development being satisfied in each other’s growth.

Seek the quiet of your mind daily and ask for wisdom, protection and healing.

Remember that lies steal your body’s energy but the Truth builds your strength.

Wealth is only transformational power when it promotes peace and equality.

Let your abundance be in your relationships to each other.

Have Spiritual Minds for the spirit of your souls will not distort the truth of your existence.

The greater your capacity to love the greater your soul’s ability for contentment.

Make time to carry the weight of the world in your heart then invite love in so everyone may benefit .

Consider your eternal path with sobriety and honesty for only one soul is given to you and you will create your experience.



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