There Is No Time Like The Present—

“Act Now” is the mantra for the Progressive Age in which we are now living. Those that have been acquainted with me online know that I began to write online in 2012 about the era, which I refer to as the Progressive Age. In that year I started to publish articles online via Envision Eden WordPress. Soon after, I started publishing on several other online platforms and evolved into a Progressive Age author, digital and constantly expanding. Since that time I’ve created thousands of pieces of content all aimed at the same goal; to help build awareness of our collective energy as a human family. Envision Eden embodies that concept. Tapping into God’s Love consciousness and philosophy along with arcane scriptures and mystical teachings, a deep wellspring of inspiration was created. Now after decades of higher learning, teaching was just another soul evolution for me. Today, in light of the challenges that we are facing, what is impressed on my heart the most, is that we must “Act Now” in every conceivable manner for the betterment of our lives and for future generations. What moves you into action? We know deep down that we could and should be doing more for the betterment of the world. So what is stopping us? Many tell me, they just want to live out their own life in peace and as much as possible try to avoid the harshness of the reality of things. Many say that they want to focus on the beauty that exist. I say, that’s good but we can do that and still be a bigger part of changing global society. We are now being forced to rise above all our differences to work together to solve our problems and in so doing we are more deeply understanding the value of interconnectedness. From a spiritual perspective, we only exist to strengthen one another, and now from a mundane standpoint, our very survival depends on shared resources, especially our geo-natural resources, our higher knowledge and human participation.

Now in the wake of the pandemic shock, we know that there are things in life that act as the great equalizer of the human experience. Soon it will matter less and less to stand on polarized platforms because we know deep down that the Truth becomes self-evident and arguments fade in the illumination of it. We have an golden opportunity now as a human species to take a quantum leap forward for the wellness of our Earth and its inhabitants. We must “Act Now” to fully capitalize on these opportunities for growth, expansion and unity. Many solutions are built into the opportunity itself, such as the Solar Energy industry. That is to say, we can resolve two critical issues at once. If we “Act Now” by investing in these technologies, we’ll turn the tide on unemployment and underemployment issues while taking a major step in creating a more sustainable future. If we do not “Act Now” we are on course in this century to have places in the world that will no longer be inhabitable by human beings. Many are aware that we’ve been attempting to cool our Earth for many years by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere. We have also set off explosions under water to elevate land mass in response to the cosmic tide shifts which are resulting in massive flooding. These types of methods have uncertain ramifications and the question is, are we creating another separate but major problem by doing this? Common sense tell us that the best way to do things is to remove the root cause not to make the problem more complex. We cannot gamble with environment without paying a price so it is best to invest in a proven safe and measurable method. We need leaders that will take no profit from the organizations which they lead, then we will have true leadership. Now is our chance to realize this highest potential, that is to say, to place our immediate and future survival before profit.


Together We Can Heal The Earth, each one individually by taking responsible action towards a wholesome way of living. Solar is one of the best ways to go, it’s clear to see, it’s an integral part of our future. We must also become self-reliant as regions of Earth. For example, we cannot allow a monopoly on solar components and batteries by China. History has already taught us this lesson with Gas and Oil. We need to see major changes on how we facilitate global humanitarian efforts and collective momentum can demand it. One of the key appointments of the Progressive Age is to harness technology for human welfare. I am looking forward to seeing the genius of humanity rise up, take hold of new and beneficial ideas and forge them forward at lightning speed when Uranus enters the Twin Sign of Gemini after leaving Taurus. The other day I made a list of all the small things that are colossal for improving the Earth’s health. Things like, buy in bulk to reduce tiny packaging and using reusable containers. Companies need to move towards large dispensers within our supermarkets whereby reducing cost of packaging that is passed to the consumer while reducing excessive packaging. We also must learn how to grow and preserve food and purify our drinking water. We’ve created a constant demand for convenience and now we must demand from ourselves and manufacturers to implement sustainable concepts. From here forward it must be back to basics, we must change our “disposal mentality” into one of preservation and perseverance.


We must harness our post pandemic shock and utilize it across the entire board of global issues while our senses are heightened. We’ll continue to realize the importance of preservation and perseverance over next 5 years as the planet Uranus continues its tour through the constellation of Taurus, the House of All Intrinsic Value. Human momentum itself is powerful and while we still feel the sting of the pandemic, we should “Act Now”. Right now, in this moment, if every global citizen changed a few detrimental living habits we could change our future overnight. Everything now has a “new opportunity” built within the complexity of the dilemmas we must resolve. The global imbalances of wealth and equality are now being corrected and in the future a class system will no longer exist. The Energy of the Uranus is Revolutionary Change and while it continues to tour through the constellation of Taurus until 2025, which is the Intrinsic Value and Money Sign, we’ll be able to trail blaze these new avenues for economic growth. Global Fairtrade is a vital piece of the global equality equation. Digital currency trading and other similar alternatives are posed for standardization. So to recap, anything having human value or which relates to the good health of our Earth are undergoing a major overhaul, we must look to the stars to understand where to invest our time and energy. Here is the clear Signpost: Solar and Hydraulic Energy Technology- Battery Production- Water Purification Systems- Weather Resistant Wearables- Sustainable Agriculture- All very wise investments, it’s written in the stars. Our global responses will become more and more unified and on this you can rely. We have been through an enormous shock but do not fall victim to limiting thoughts, everything begins there, one thought at a time. Thoughts put in motion equals action! So Act Now. We’re shifting our priorities daily but we must realize that our ultimate success in this life, isn’t what we have, it’s what we share. Keep sharing the best of what is inside of you with or without reward.



Act Now By Christina Conti Founder Of Teach Love Foundation, Creator Of Envision Eden since 2012

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